The popular Python library LangChain lets you define LLM chains using the vertical pipe operator:

chain = prompt | llm
chain.invoke({"input": "What is human-computer interaction?"})

I’m not the first to be surprised by this syntax: why does this work?

You may know that the | is the bitwise OR operator, although you may not know that the operator can be overridden by overriding the __or__ method in a class definition. That’s why you can use the bitwise OR operation to take the union of two sets, for example: Python overrides the numeric bitwise OR operation for sets by overriding the __or__ implementation.

Unsurprisingly, that’s how LangChain achieves this functionality as well.

In a GitHub gist, I stripped down the LangChain Runnable code to understand how LangChain achieves this effect.

It starts with defining a Runnable class that overrides __or__ (and its inverse __ror__):

class Runnable(Generic[Input, Output], ABC):
    def __or__(
        other: Union[
            Runnable[Any, Other],
            Callable[[Any], Other],
            Callable[[Iterator[Any]], Iterator[Other]],
            Mapping[str, Union[Runnable[Any, Other], Callable[[Any], Other], Any]],
    ) -> Runnable[Input, Other]:
        return RunnableSequence(self, coerce_to_runnable(other))

    def __ror__(
        other: Union[
            Runnable[Other, Any],
            Callable[[Other], Any],
            Callable[[Iterator[Other]], Iterator[Any]],
            Mapping[str, Union[Runnable[Other, Any], Callable[[Other], Any], Any]],
    ) -> Runnable[Other, Output]:
        return RunnableSequence(coerce_to_runnable(other), self)

    def invoke(self, input: Input) -> Output:

Composing a Runnable implementation with another via the vertical pipe creates a RunnableSequence, which is straightforward to implement: it stores and executes a list of steps in sequence!

class RunnableSequence(Runnable[Input, Output]):
    def __init__(
        *steps: Runnable,
    ) -> None:
        steps_flat: List[Runnable] = []
        for step in steps:
            if isinstance(step, RunnableSequence):
        self.steps = steps_flat

    def invoke(self, input: Input) -> Output:
        for step in self.steps:
            input = step.invoke(input)

We can then implement a Runnable and chain them together:

class Adder(Runnable):
    def __init__(self, value: int):
        self.value = value

    def invoke(self, input: Input) -> Output:
        return input + self.value

a = Adder(5)
b = Adder(4)
c = a | b
assert c.invoke(1) == 10

But LangChain also allows you to chain together functions as though they were Runnable objects. How? That’s what the call to coerce_to_runnable in the Runnable.__or__ implementation is used for.

def coerce_to_runnable(thing) -> Runnable[Input, Output]:
    if isinstance(thing, Runnable):
        return thing
    elif callable(thing):
        return RunnableLambda(thing)
        raise TypeError("Expected a Runnable or callable.")

class RunnableLambda(Runnable[Input, Output]):
    """RunnableLambda converts a python callable into a Runnable."""

    def __init__(self, func: Callable):
        self.func = func

    def invoke(self, input: Input) -> Output:
        return self.func(input)

RunnableLambda is a sub-class of Runnable that takes a function and executes the function on inputs to invoke. By calling coerce_to_runnable, functions are wrapped in RunnableLambda instances.

That lets us chain with arbitrary functions:

d = Adder(9) | str
assert d.invoke(1) == "10"
# or even a lambda:
e = Adder(9) | (lambda i: f"value: {i}")
assert e.invoke(1) == "value: 10"

The downside to this approach is that we must have at least one Runnable in the chain or Python won’t know we’re expecting to produce a RunnableSequence, which could be unintuitive if you didn’t understand how LangChain overrides the binary OR operator.

Overall, I found myself surprised at how easy it is to achieve this complex bit of syntactic sugar. I’m not sure this is better than the more vanilla approach used by scikit-learn’s Pipeline, for example, but the approach is interesting and creates a unique feel to the core operation in LangChain: chaining together operations.

You might also be interested in reading about how Langfuse monitors function calls in the OpenAI Python library with “drop-in replacement” imports.